【5年生】Exploring Rainforests in 5th Grade English
In our 5th Grade English class, students are immersed in the theme of rainforests, plants, and animals through the unit “Fun in the Jungle.” To enrich their learning, we organized a live interview with Mr. Asley Amit, a Borneo Rainforest guide who collaborates with National Geographic.
The students started by sharing what they already knew about rainforests and identifying what they were eager to learn. After the insightful interview, they consolidated their knowledge, which led to exciting discussions and discoveries.
As part of the project, students expanded their vocabulary and grasped new grammatical structures while working collaboratively to design a Jungle Adventure Park. Each group created interactive maps of the park with activity zones and augmented reality features using Reality Composer. These areas came to life with tap-and-listen experiences, where visitors can hear explanations about various sections of the park.
It was inspiring to see our students inquire, collaborate, and showcase their creativity. Who knows—perhaps one day they’ll explore a real rainforest and experience its vibrant wildlife firsthand!
5年生の英語の授業では、「Fun in the Jungle」という単元で、熱帯雨林や植物、動物について学んでいます。
各グループは、アクティビティゾーンや拡張現実(AR)機能を組み込んだインタラクティブな地図を作成し、「Reality Composer」を使用してパークを構築しました。