【6年生】Seeds of Change – ADS Collaboration Project

On April 22, 2024, in honor of Earth Day and to promote awareness of environmentally sustainable practices, our school partnered with three other Apple Distinguished Schools located in Mexico, Brazil, and Spain. Two sixth-graders from each institution were chosen to represent their schools. Through Zoom, students connected virtually to introduce their schools, countries, and local ecosystems. They engaged in discussions about local environmental challenges and collaborated on identifying actionable steps for integrating eco-friendly habits into their daily lives. Utilizing a variety of apps such as Keynote, Freeform, and Sketches, students found the experience both enriching and interactive.

After the session, all four schools pledged to plant a seed or tree on their premises, symbolizing our shared commitment to building a sustainable future. We plan to document the growth of these trees throughout the year and share updates among the schools. Additionally, our students will host broadcasts to relay their experiences to the entire student body, fostering school-wide awareness and participation in the project. We strongly believe in the importance of translating ideas into tangible actions and eagerly anticipate future collaborations that will further our collective impact.

2024年4月22日、アースデイを祝って、環境に配慮した取り組みの意識を高めるために、就実小学校はメキシコ、ブラジル、スペインにある3つの他のApple Distinguished Schoolと協力しました。各学校から2人の6年生が選ばれ、Zoomでつながり、それぞれの学校、国、地元の自然環境について紹介しました。地元の環境課題について話し合い、日常生活において、環境にやさしい習慣を取り入れるための具体的な方法を模索しました。子ども達は、Keynote、Freeform、Sketchesなど、さまざまなアプリを使いながら、対話的で充実した経験をすることができました。
